'Twas the Night Before the Iditarod...

Bandit has visions of sled dog racing dancing in her head! Woooo! Tomorrow kicks off the Iditarod 2014 ! In honor of this being the Iditarod Eve, here's a great video created by students posted on the Iditarod Teacher on the Trail blog along with some great stories along the trail. According to the site, "The purpose of this website is to provide an area of the Education Portal for the Finalists for 2015 Iditarod Teacher on the Trail™ to post articles and information throughout our selection process. These articles will share information about their journey to Alaska, the 2014 Winter Conference for Educators, and Iditarod." Lots of great stories, photos, and videos, so check it out! Here's one of the videos created by students just perfect for tonight's post: For all the latest info on the Iditarod, the mushes, the dogs, and the Teacher on the Trail, be sure to check out the Iditarod website HERE . You can watch some videos on the dogs get...