Epi-Star Gibson Kicks Off National Epilepsy Awareness Month: May Epi-Dogs #LiveGibStrong

My FiveSibes "Gibson" Les Paul of Mystic Mountain My Heart Dog. My Epi-Dog. My K9 Hero. My Inspiration. by Dorothy Wills-Raftery November is Epilepsy Awareness Month, and here at FiveSibes, we always have, and always will, advocate for Canine Epilepsy Awareness . During this month of awareness, I like to share with you a few amazing fellow Epi-dogs, who I like to call Epi-Stars . And to kick of the month, I would like to begin with my own very special boy, my fluffy, wooly, loving Siberian Husky, Gibson of the FiveSibes. If you've followed my blog and my articles, you know my beloved heart dog, Gibson, began having seizures shortly after his third birthday in 2009, and boy, I was scared. When he had his first seizures (and you can read more from my journals HERE) , I knew absolutely nothing about Canine Epilepsy or seizures in dogs when I walked in on him post-ictal, and thought I had just seen him take his last, foaming breath. ...