Pet Poison Awareness

"Hey, Mom, is our yard all safe for us to play in?" March is Poison Awareness Month, with the third week being Poison Awareness Week (Happy 50th Anniversary to the Poison Prevention Week Council !) While this is the end of the month, Poison Awareness is something we all need to be vigilant about every single day of every month throughout the entire year. So let's use this annual reminder to double-check our pets' surroundings and keep them safe and healthy. First and foremost, keep your vet's, veterinarian emergency hospital's, and poison control numbers up-to-date and readily posted by our landline phones and in our cell phones. And...Pet Poison Helpline now also has a "Pet Poison Help" iPhone app for just 99 cents! With Easter just around the corner, please keep children's Easter baskets that are filled with yummy things for kids high up out of reach of the family pets. Chocolate, little plastic toys, button batteries in talking book...