*PET ALERT* FDA Issues Pharmeceutical Alert

In an excerpt of the the FDA's press release of today: FDA Alerts Veterinarians and Pet Owners Not to Use Prescription Center Pharmacy Products April 2, 2015 "The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Veterinary Medicine is urging veterinarians and pet owners not to use products made and distributed by the Prescription Center pharmacy, located at 915 Hay St., Fayetteville, North Carolina. In an inspection conducted in March by the North Carolina Board of Pharmacy (NC BOP), state inspectors observed significant deficiencies that raise concerns about the company’s ability to assure the sterility, stability and potency of the sterile and non-sterile human and veterinary drug products that it produced. The Prescription Center has been closed by order of the NC BOP, and the NC BOP has ordered a recall of all lots of sterile and non-sterile products compounded or repackaged and distributed by the Prescription Center between Sept. 10, 2014, and ...