Vote Gibson! A Pack's True Candidate

It's Election Day and our FiveSibes have hit the campaign trail wooing "Paws4Change~Vote Gibson!" The Huskies really got into the spirit of the campaign season. Gibson's #Paws4Change 2014 campaign promises include: *No homeless pets; a family for every pet *Promote pet adoption *Rights for special needs and elderly pets *Stricter Animal Abuse Laws *Healthy, all-natural treats for all petkind *Mandatory dog parks in every town and city *Create mandatory microchipping laws *Expand human education on dog breeds *Mandatory education on Canine Epilepsy *Promote Dog as a Second Language classes *Licensing of reputable breeders *Shut down backyard breeders & puppy mills *Ban Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) *Abolish dangerous dog lists *Eliminate "dog shaming" * * * Gibson strategized with his campaign manager, Harley. Wolf volunteered to check placement of campaign signs. "...