
Showing posts from January 6, 2020

✨ Happy Heavenly Birthday, Gibson ✨

A Birthday Message for My Beloved Furgangel Gibson: Happy Heavenly Birthday to you my sweet, big, fluffy boy, Gibson. My heart dog, my inspiration. Today would have been your 14th Birthday, and we'd be celebrating with our pack family and my special ice cream bone-shaped cake you all loved. It is so hard to believe it has been four years since I last held your big polar bear paw in mine, or that you plied me with your famous Gibbie kisses, or wooed "Love you" to me. You were a true epilepsy warrior and an amazing ambassadog who helped so many others on their journey with epilepsy. I sure do miss you today as much as always. Have a great birthday, my Gibbie boy, and romp and play in the snow with your true love Harley who has now joined you and little sis, Chloe this past summer, leaving this broken heart even a little more broken, but knowing you all are all together helps. I do see those snowflakes you are sending my way today, G-man,  ❄️  and know you