Spring Fever on a FiveSibes Flashback Friday!

"It's spring fever.That is what the name of it is. And when you've got it, you want--oh, you don't quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!" ~Mark Twain Woo! Spring has sprung and with it an excitement that fills the air as we anticipate a season of rebirth and renewal! It's a refreshing time of year where we prepare to spend more time outdoors in our yards, barbequing, outdoor games, getting the pools ready, and running and playing on the green grass! In this Flashback Friday photo, my boy Gibson is feeling a bit of spring fever as he lopes across our muddy yard! This photo was taken three years ago, prior to his fall. I do so miss the days of his running carefree, but am thrilled he can walk again. So I look back fondly, but look ahead feeling blessed and hopeful. Here's to a wondrous spring for us all! A spring scene from Getting Healthy...