National Pet First Aid Month

Chloe with the contents of our First Aid "basket." April has been quite the busy month! It is, among other notable events, National Pet First Aid Month. Even though today is the last day of April, it' never too late to think about pet First Aid and pet First Aid kits. In October we discussed knowing CPR for your pet. If you haven't taken a class, this would be a great time to look into it. Check out the American Red Cross website for more information. We have had a large First Aid "basket" for several years after Gibson had seizures. We also have a cool little white First Aid kit compliments of our furpals, Cooper & Lola , who had a drawing earlier in the year. We have them both stocked with an instant cold pack, paper towels, Rescue Remedy, pheromone calming spray, thermometer, a diary with notations of past seizures and medicine dosages, emergency vet, veterinarian hospital, and animal poison control numbers. During the spring and summer, we als...