Art & Sled Dogs: "Born to Run" Book Review and In-Depth Interview with Author/Pet Portrait Artist Jewel Mathieson

"Woo, Chloe, I'm going to be in Jewel's next book!" Today’s blog post features a book review on the beautifully illustrated Born to Run and an interview with the talented animal portrait artist and now author, Jewel Mathieson of New Zealand who creates very detailed works of art using the medium of colored pencils. Her works have been featured in books and publications worldwide, and in 2010, she was the recipient of the “Runner Up” Award in the Arts Council Nelson Impressions Art Awards. Born to Run is filled with beautiful pet portraits by Jewel of real-life dogs. She says she has been “passionate about art for as long as I can remember, with many of my childhood hours spent sketching, drawing and painting. Although I found inspiration in a variety of subjects, I predominantly drew wild animals, and old antiquated architecture but nothing fascinated me more than wolves. When I was seven, this passion extended to Spitz breed dogs when our famil...