Flashback Friday #28: Hidden Treasures of Our Lives Reside on Memory Lane

"The heart that truly loves never forgets." ~Proverb For the past few days, I've been sorting through one of my closets in an effort of spring cleaning. This one particular closet had never been emptied out to the walls since we first built our house in 1990! But instead of it being a real chore, I've been enjoying sorting through the hidden treasure of our lives as there in boxes were some photos that captured wonderful memories of years past. There hiding behind the folds of clothing were some of my daughter's infant and childhood toys, her first rocking horse from my mother for her First Christmas, my Lamaze class book, holiday cards, and many photographs, including ones of my daughter as a baby, playing on the floor with her Nanny, holidays with cousins, merry-go-round rides with her father and I, vacation photos of a much younger hubby and I when we were first married, and photos of past pets that have now journeyed beyond the Rainbow Bridge. Eac...