It’s Back to School Time! Is Your Dog Ready?

Bandit is ready for her classes! Back to school time has arrived for the kids, and with it comes everything from shopping for school clothes and supplies to picking out just the right lunch box to having your high school graduate move away to a college dorm. In all of the September excitement, let’s not forget about our canine companions, who just may have some Back to School blues after having been treated to a few months of constant companionship with the children and family during the long, lazy fun-filled days of summer. While the children and parents are busy adjusting their schedules to meet the fall agendas, our pets will be going through an adjustment period as well. As soon as the children go back to school, our dogs may become stressed, sad, and/or lonely with the departure of their buddies on the school bus. Here are some suggestions to help our canine companions feel more relaxed and adjust a little bit easier to the new school schedule: Bandit likes to study too! ...