Wolf Under the Weather on a Wordless Wednesday; And Binx Stopping By to Say #BlackCatsRock!

The heat wave continues scorching us here in Northeast, even though today we can at least breathe! Our FiveSibes have been living inside in the a/c, but this week sweet Wolf has been hit with a very harsh GI bug after a bit of excitement with an unwelcome visitor - Mr. Groundhog, flared up his anxiety that brought on the GI issues that bordered on HGE. "Things" have thankfully, and finally, calmed down internally, and he did start to get his appetite back last night and ate a bland meal and homemade bone broth for supper and this morning for breakfast, so hoping the worse is over. Pictured here, on our not-quite Wordless Wednesday, he's resting comfortably, the first time in a couple days. Stay cool and hope you are all doing well! And...in honor of International Black Cat Day, here comes our sweetheart "Binx," a feral kitty no more! As many of you know, he was a very feral little boy brought home five years ago by our sweet, now furangel adopted...