Vote For My Photo of EpiDog FurAngel "Gibson" in Support of Veterinarians Without Borders!

Woo! Please ✔️ VOTE for my beloved Epi-dog Gibson, representing dogs with Canine Epilepsy , in the Animals & Ales U.S. Photo Contest that supports Veterinarians Without Borders (VWB)! ❊ Each $1 donation equals 1 vote ❊ You can donate (with your name or anonymously) and vote for Gibson until June 16th! Donations benefit VWB. And...if we win, Gibson's beautiful face will adorn a brewery's beverage label! Great PR for Canine Epilepsy Awareness! Why VOTE for Gibson? As I wrote on my entry: My "Gibson" was a beautiful wooly Siberian Husky and an amazing dog. Diagnosed with idiopathic epilepsy shortly after his third birthday, he did not let that stop him from enjoying life. He loved belly rubs, running through the snow, and splashing in the pool with our four other Huskies. He was a gentle giant of a dog, who loved everyone he met (especially girls)! Gibson was the inspiration for many articles and several books I wrote on Canine Epilepsy, as well as the...