National Puppy Day on a #FlashbackFriday

Woo! March 23rd (yesterday) is National Puppy Day , and our #Flashback photos are of our #FiveSibes as puppies! So howlin' cute! DID YOU KNOW... National Puppy Day, according to , "is a special day to celebrate the magic and unconditional love that puppies bring to our lives. But more importantly, it's a day to help save orphaned puppies across the globe and educate the public about the horrors of puppy mills. National Puppy Day was founded in 2006 by Celebrity Pet & Home Lifestyle Expert and Aut hor, Colleen Pa ige. #NationalPup pyDay is now international, t oo!" What a great day to: Love Puppies! Rescue Puppies! Adopt Puppies! "Puppies are the most trusting and joyous creatures on the planet. Oh, to be more like a puppy." ~ Colleen Paige, Founder of National Puppy Day 💛 Memories Are Visits For the Heart 💛 The Linky tool will open all week for you to join us in the Blog H...