Goodbye Summer! Welcome Autumn!

Flashback Photo: Gibson, Autumn 2015 "And all at once, Summer collapsed into Fall." ~Oscar Wilde While today is the last official day of Summer here, Mother Nature sure does not want to let go! We are greeting Autumn with yet another muggy day. As my gif above says, bring on the cooler days already! Meanwhile, our Harley is enjoying the last of the summer pool days! Today's Flashback Friday photo up top is such a special memory. My beloved Gibson had just rallied (again) from hind end weakness due to his epilepsy medications. He also had slipped during the winter, which only added injury to insult. Together, we rehabbed slowly each day with Gibson in a sling harness so I could help him walk by taking the weight off his hind end. On this gorgeous day in Autumn 2015, he conquered the yard yet once again all on his own, harness-free! I think the joy and freedom in his face and body while he crunched around without a harness in the fallen ...