Happy 7th Birthday, Gibson!

Today is Gibson's 7th Birthday! Such a special day as we celebrate having this sweet, gentle, beautiful boy in our lives! I can't believe it's been seven years since I picked up the four month old wooly fluff ball with the clown shaped eyebrow mask who fell madly in love with our Harley the moment he stepped paws into our house! Even through all the trials of becoming an epileptic at age three, and now his torn cruciate (see full story in this past Friday Flashback blog post ), this boy is a fighter at heart ; a real warrior and I admire and love him so. Gibbie, here's to many, many, many more happy birthdays together! Today began with the wearing of some Birthday gear: "Seriously, M om, a hat at my age??!! I am 7 after all!" Baking up so me peanut b utter treats with our ne w t reat maker...Gib waited pati ently, as Wolf and Bandit "helped." "Let's get this party started!" "Woooooo...