It's National Dog Week (and Pet Blog Hop)! Let's Celebrate!

Along with welcoming in the crisp, cooler weather this week, we also roll out the carpet for National Dog Week that takes place this year September 19 - 25. While in our humble abode, every day is “Dog Day,” we will be celebrating it in typical Sibe-style: running, playing, eating, and posing for photos. And, for a tidbit of pop culture–the FiveSibesMom (yours truly!) was born and married during this wonderful week! Fitting, wouldn’t you say?! National Dog Week celebrates that special bond between dog and owner; a bond that includes traits of love, loyalty, devotion, trust, forgiveness, companionship. They give us such happiness. They are truly our best friends. According to , the origins of the phrase “man’s best friend” began with Sen. George Graham Vest, a lawyer from Missouri Vest, who during a closing argument for a client whose dog was deliberately shot and killed by a neighbor, gave such a strong and moving speech to the jury, that the case was won and the...