Meet the Frenzied Fox Artist on a Black Flashback Friday! Reigndogs! Shopping! GIVEAWAY! It's All Here!

It's #Flashback Friday here at the FiveSibes and since today basically kicks off the Christmas season, what better time to revisit on Memory Lane than that of a Christmas past?! Here's our "originals" - reindogs Gibson and his gal Harley looking all festive in front of the tree circa 2007 when they were both just pups of one and two! Gibson seems to be really enjoying his reindog ways, but Harley, as you can tell by her expression, thought it was all just a bit too silly for a Sibe to endure! She was a good girl and endured she did for this great moment frozen in time! What better day to offer a giveaway than Black Friday? And we have a really cool one! Love Huskies? Love sending holiday cards? Check out these beautiful cards created by artist Maria Montreuil, a/k/a "Mrs. Fox," of The Frenzied Fox Artwork . GIVEAWAY~Husky Art Greeting Cards! These are beautiful 5x7 full color cards with plain envelopes...a...