What to Do If You've LOST or FOUND a Dog

"Not all stray dogs are homeless," states Lost Dogs of America. While we don't want to think about our dog getting out and lost, but now, especially with the nicer weather, means more times dogs are outside or traveling, and the risk is high that they can get loose and become lost. Dogs can travel--or be taken--great distances. What do you do when your dog goes missing? The flip side is there are a great number of dogs found. How do you get it back home to its family? My latest article in 4Knines "Lost and Found Dogs: Resources to Help" i s a MUST READ for all dog parents . I share important tips, sites, resources, poster templates, and a 2-part episode of my show "The Sibe Vibe" featuring experts from Lost Dogs of America, Lost Dogs of Wisconsin , PetFBI, and Lost/Found Husky Group on Facebook. Lost/Found Husky Dogs Group on Facebook Please check out my article, bookmark it, share it, and remember, "All stray dogs are not h...