Prayers for Gibson, Please

While today was supposed to be our FiveSibes Flashback Friday post, we had an emergency here today with Gibson. He was his perky chipper self all day today, even prancing around the back yard, just being a happy Husky! After dinner, he was out lounging on the deck with his Sibesmates, and suddenly took ill this evening. He was lethargic, wouldn't move, and spacey. At first, I suspected a seizure and he was in post-ictal, but he had none of the typical signs. We rushed him over to the ER hospital. He has spiked a high fever of 106 and they are having a hard time getting to come down. It ranges between 104.7 and 106. He is wrapped in cool blankets, on an ice pad, fan on, IV of fluids, and they are starting antibiotics and fa ever reducer medication. Tomorrow (actually today in about three hours) he will be transferred to our veterinarian hospital and a discussion on exploratory surgery will be had. After many tests, Xrays, sonograms, the ER vet believes it is not Epilepsy related,...