♡Happy Birthday, Gibson! ♡

Today is my beautiful boy Gibson's ninth birthday! Wow! How time flies! I remember that day I first brought him home...a little four-month-old uber-fluffy, dirty, stinky ball of wooly fur with the clown mask, a winky (parti-eye), and who ran more like a cross between a bunny hopping and a horse loping! Everything about him was so endearing! I picked him up and he melted into my arms. It was so hard to put him down to leave and go to the store to buy a crate, a fluffy bed, a collar, leash, toys, bath soap (lots of bath soap - he wreaked off urine), toys, and snacks! It had to be a wonderful homecoming for my puppy boy. This is the sweet face that stole my heart nine years ago, and still holds it so dear! Each year, I make a birthday video covering from birth to present day...I'm sad to say that my iMac crashed and I am unable to do so at this time. I'm hoping that it will be up and running and that I can create the video at a later date! But in the meantime, I th...