The Ultimate Blog Party is Going On! One of the Prizes is a Set of 3 Copies of Our Book!

"Woo, there's a big party going on!" The Sibes and I are so's party time in the blogosphere! Today kicks off the 5 Minutes for Mom Ultimate Blog Party and we are giving away a set of three autographed copies of my FiveSibes™ Tale, What's Wrong With Gibson? Learning About K-9 Epilepsy to celebrate! There are over 150 prizes, including our books, total in the pool worth $21,000! Gibson is so excited that his book is part of the Party Prize Pool! "Woo! You can win 3 copies of my book!" CLICK HERE for the link to the Ultimate Blog Party prize page containing my book (and many, many more cool prizes)! The party and fun goes on all week! Here's the agenda: So stop on over and sign up to win my books and then stick around for awhile and have some fun, check out the other prizes, and par-tee!