IMPORTANT! Pet Preparedness for Hurricane Sandy

"Woo! We don't want Sandy to come for a visit." With Hurricane Sandy heading up the East Coast, please be safe out there. Here is some v aluable information when pre paring for a disaster : *Have an evac plan that includes your pets. *Have all collar & ID tags and leashes ready to go. *Charge your cell phones. Have an extra battery handy. *Have a "go" kit ready. Don't forget to include in your "go" kit (a recommend ed 3-day supply of) : food water pet meds treats toys first aid kit ALSO INCLUDE: emergency telephone numbers pet beds blankets towels crates flashlights fresh batteries battery-operated radio Here is an important preparedness video from FEMA : More info on pet pre paredness fro m FEMA , visit HERE . More info on pet preparedness from the American Kennel Club , visit HERE . More info on pet preparedness from the ASPCA , visit HERE . Also check out these site...