A Wet & Wild Wooly on a Flashback Friday!

"There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart." ~ Celia Thaxter I just love this photograph of my boy Gibson enjoying himself in the sprinkler one summer some eight years past, when he was just a young wooly Husky. How I loved his beauty, his playfulness, his zest for life, and oh, that magnificent waterfall tail! Gibson's enjoying moment of cooling off in the shooting rays of water is just pure joy, and such a wonderful moment tucked away forever in my grateful-for-having-him heart. J oin Us!!! Do you have a photo from your pet's past that you'd like to share? Come stroll down Memory Lane with us here at FiveSibes and join in our Flashback Friday blog hop (we are open all week)! Just post your pic on your blog, grab our badge from below (yes, that's Gibson & little bro, pupster Wolfie!) & link to our blog, then join the blog hop below so others can come visit and see your flashback photos, too! A fun way to relive ...