
Special Feature!

FiveSibes Children's Dog Book Earns Story Monsters® Purple Dragonfly Award

  My FiveSibes™ Tale book, Getting Healthy With Harley, pictured here with its prestigious new Purple Dragonfly award seal from Story Monsters® and the beautiful medal next to my photo of my beloved inspirations, the FiveSibes, and my treasured Siberian Husky Tiffany lamp. W riting and Huskies have been a huge part of my life and loves. When I first began writing my FiveSibes™ Tales children's books featuring my beloved Harley, Gibson, Wolfie, Chloe, and Bandit, I never imagined that the books would be so widely welcomed and receive such prestigious awards! Oh, how that warms my author's heart! And, here, 10 years later, I am still so honored that my Getting Healthy With Harley: Learning About Health & Fitness would be the FIRST PLACE recipient of the Story Monsters Purple Dragonfly Award in the Fitness/Exercise category! WOW! To be recognized by this amazing children's publishing company is absolutely a thrill. As my young granddaughter told me, "Nanny, a really

DIY Purple Pumpkin From Our Epi-Pal, Ru!

  W ith Howloween being the eve of November's Epilepsy Awareness Month (#NEAM), you'll be seeing a of posts from us about The Purple Pumpkin Project (read my previous post HERE explaining that and/or check out our FiveSibes Purple Day video below)! And, of course, I'll be posting about Canine Epilepsy throughout the month! Note: This post may contain an Amazon affiliate link, which simply means that if you click on it and make a qualifying purchase, I may receive a small commission *at no cost to you.* Thank you! Today, as we prepare for Halloween, our dear furangel and furpal, Ruby, the Therapy Dog , who was also an Epi-dog like Gibson, has a fun, super-easy DIY project to make cool purple pumpkins with your kids and then put on proud display! Ruby, an Epi-Dog and an honorary member of the Epilepsy Foundation's Kids Crew, with a finished purple pumpkin. How cute! Photo Courtesy of Jan/Ruby, the Therapy dog   If you don't know Ruby, she was a registered Th

A New Purple Pumpkin in Our #LiveGibStrong Patch!

A s an ambassador for awareness for dogs living with epilepsy (Epi-dogs) since 2012, I love to look for a purple pumpkin this time of year in honor of my Gibson and all other Epi-dogs. And, wow! Did I find a beauty! ( The crystal pumpkin is lying by my beautiful Siberian Husky lamp that was a gift to me from my hubby years ago. Sorry, it's been discontinued!)   Why is a purple pumpkin so important? Because purple is the color of epilepsy awareness, and on Halloween when you see a purple pumpkin, it's most likely a participant in the Epilepsy Foundations "Purple Pumpkin Project." You can read all about the Project - and download a FREE Gibson & his purple pumpkin coloring page HERE. Note: This post may contain an Amazon affiliate link, which simply means that if you click on it and make a qualifying purchase, I may receive a small commission *at no cost to you.* Thank you!   I am so impressed by this beautiful handmade crystal pumpkin by H&D (Hyaline & Do

Bandit: Thief of Hearts, Dog Toys, and Anything She Could Get Her Paws On!

T oday, back in 2020, it began like any other day...only to become a day I'd never forget, and not for a good reason. Sure, this was the year that change most of our lives with the 2020 being the pandemic year, it also was a year of new beginnings for us at FiveSibes...we had lost three of our beloved Huskies by then: Gibson in 2015, Chloe and Harley three months apart in 2019...and then on this date, our crazy, lovable, beautiful "Bandit" a/k/a "Bee" and "BandaBear" earned her wings and silver harness at age 12½, leaving the last of our pack family, her brother/littermate and my baby boy, Wolfie, without his furfamily. As I sit here today, it is still so surreal to me that all of my beautiful, wonderful FiveSibes have now earned their wings. As I gaze out my window, I recall their beautiful, so-not-majestic group howls, the sounds of their 20 paws pounding through the room or across our back deck as they engaged in fun zoomies, or the woos and woofs w