Celebrating Our Mother of Huskies on a Mother's Day Flashback Friday Bog Hop!

"Momma" Harley, our alpha queen who was three when we welcomed the puppies to our family, took to the Pupsters as if they were her own! A true mother of Huskies! Top photo, current photo, and bottom is a Flashback to Spring 2008, when the pups came home, and we became the FiveSibes! Affiliate Notice: As an Amazon Affiliate, you can make a purch ase through our following link at no extra cost to you (but we will receive a teeny compensation): Looking for a cool Mother's Day for your Hu-mom? Get this (p)awesome Mother of Huskies T-shirt pictured above with Harley! You're Invited to Join Us! Share your fave pics from Memory Lane from yesteryear or yesterday, grab our badge, link to us, and join in our weekly Flashback Friday Blog Hop! Hop link is open all week ! Back to our FiveSibes Home Page Visit our FiveSibes Website