The "Itchy 21 Huskies" - The Road from Hoarding Hell to Happiness and Health

There truly are angels among us. Photo via Pet Angels Rescue, Inc. You may have heard about the “Itchy 21 Huskies" backyard breeder case in Oklahoma, where there was a hoarding situation with 21 Huskies and/or Husky mixes who were in extremely poor health, including parasites and a contagious form of mange. Pet Angels Rescue network worked tirelessly, along with the Sheriff’s department, to convince the owners of these dogs to surrender them so the rescue could see to it that they received the urgent health care they obviously needed. Thanks to the Siberian Husky Care and Referral Service, we learned of this situation and have joined them to share this story, and hopefully our readers will share as well. According to Pet Angels Rescue, Inc. on their YouCaring fundariser page , “We had to scramble into action as we had learned these dogs had a contagious form of mange and could not share the acre with the other rescued animals. So Wednesday we ...