#RememberMeThursday: #SeeTheLight and Adopt an Epi-dog!

Today's spotlight is on beautiful Siberian Husky Epi-dog, "Shiloh!" Read more about this beautiful young Husky and how you can apply to ThisIsHouston rescue to adopt her further down in this post! Welcome to #RememberMeThursday, where we shine a light on pet adoption! This year's theme - #SeeTheLight - is to have everyone "Light Up the World for Orphan Pets." The mission is that "Changing just one mind can save a life." So today--September 24, 2020--let's shine a light so bright that the whole world talks about adopting a pet! What is #RememberMeThursday All About? For me, an author and blogger, I create to save lives, my advocacy has been two-fold: 1) to promote the adoption of homeless Huskies in shelters and rescues; and to 2) advocate for all dogs with Canine Epilepsy. ADOPT A HUSKY: There is such a crisis for Huskies needing forever and foster homes. The stunning beauty of the dogs, and the rise in popularity due to television sh...