Thinking of Bandit on Her 2nd 🌈Rainbow Bridge Anniversary

Oh, were our beautiful, wild, crazy, love-to-lick-your-face, stealer of toys, alpha-wannabe, and a self-appointed "lapdog" (oh, the nights she made herself comfy, never mind me, as long as she was comfy!) Our Siberian Husky, Bandit (a/k/a "BandaBear" and "Bee") earned her furangel wings two years ago now. (To read her good-bye story, you can visit HERE ). It is still so hard to believe as she was our hearty, healthy, strong one of the Pupster. Her collapsing so suddenly like her big brother Gibson years earlier, from hemangiosarcoma, is still a shock. She had just had surgery five months earlier to remove a large lump inside her mouth and had recuperated beautifully. I always expected her to be our last of the FiveSibes standing of the Pupsters...but it was not to be. Bee was always a great dog, a little possessive of toys at times (she totally fit her moniker of Bandit as she was the toy thief, but when you'd call her out on it, ...