Helping Huskies in Need: Finding "Celine" and Finding a Family for "Chupa Chups"

We hear stories every day about Huskies and dogs in need. In this blog post, I'd like to talk about two Huskies who could really use all of our help, whether it is by sharing, re"Tweet"ing, or blogging about in an effort to spread the word and their photos so someone out there can help them. Up first is "Celine the Siberian." Celine was in a crate in the far back of a pick up while her family packed up from a dog show. No one saw her get out. Her family is frantic and missing her and offering a reward. Please see her photos below and share this post in an effort to join others in getting her photo and contact info out there...someone has to have seen her. Celine has to be somewhere. We pray she gets home safe and soon. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: Reprinted from " Celine the Siberian" Facebook Page HOW DID CELINE GET LOOSE? COULD SHE HAVE BEEN STOLEN? Celine was in the very back of her owner’s truck, not a van - a pickup. Sh...