Flashback Friday Honors the Hero Dogs of 9/11

September 11, 2001. 9/11. Fourteen years ago the face of our U.S. landscape changed forever when we were attacked on our own soil. Today, 9/11, is dedicated to all those - canine and human - who fearlessly responded to the call of duty that day, and the days following, at the World Trade Center in New York City, in the Staten Island landfill, at the Pentagon in Washington, DC; and in the Pennsylvanian field. Since this is a canine blog, I'd like to talk about the amazing four-legged heroes...more than 300 of them who answered the call that day and the many days following. Today, all but one of the SAR dogs have crossed the Rainbow Bridge. We will never forget. Rescue Dogs of 911 by gojohns “The most important thing for America to know about that working dogs, is that on a very personal level they serve human beings every single day. They are highly skilled and trained professionals…. We have been repeatedly told that technology can not at this point ...