New Magazine Article: Meet Some Amazing Sled Dogs With Canine Epilepsy

Check out my latest article on Canine Epilepsy in the newest edition of The Sled Dogger magazine! Starting on page 20, I have an 8-page spread about how seizures do not stop these amazing sled dogs from doing what they love best! My story features the beautiful sledding Epi-Huskies "Nukka" of Pennsylvania, "Meeko" of Ojibwa Kennels in Michigan, and "Jack" from Alberta, Canada. You can meet these amazing Epi-Stars below! ***Read it online free HERE .*** "NUKKA" "Nukka" with kisses for hu-mom, Jenifer Maksim. "MEEKO" "JACK" "Dogs with Canine Epilepsy can, and DO, live full, happy lives." ~Dorothy Wills-Raftery, the FiveSibesMom #LiveGibStrong K9 Epilepsy Awareness & Purple Day® Ambassador "Don't think, just link!"