Pet Blogger Parents: What Are Your Thoughts on "TIME?"

D ear Fellow Pet Blogger Caregivers... I'm working on a blog article about what many of us long-timers must feel/go through from starting out with our beloved dogs, to now, in some cases years or decades after they are with us...loss is something we all eventually go through. ***There is a deadline for this. Please see bottom of post. Please Email me (address at end of post) with the following: 1) Generally speaking, What does "time" mean to you? 2) What does it mean to you as a Dog Parent/Caregiver? 3) How does looking back a) help you, b) hinder you? c) make you feel? 4) How does the passing of a beloved pet change/affect your blog, website, social media? Please give your site name/URL. 5) And lastly, but not least...What words of wisdom can you share about this journey with someone just starting out? If you would like to answer and be quoted, please Email me at FiveSibes(at)gmail(dot)com (and replace the words...