Three-Day Quote Challenge on a (Not Quite) Wordless Wednesday

Today, we here at FiveSibes are doing a bit of fun double-duty as it is Wordless Wednesday and I was asked to particpate in the 3-Day Quote Challenge by our beautiful furfriends over at All Things Collie , and gladly accepted! So, today's Wordless Wednesday will be an almost wordless post! As many of you know, I have always loved pairing quotes with photographs and posts, and today I'm starting off with reposting one of my favorites. Gibson was such a strong warrior with his Canine Epilepsy and all of his health issues, that one day when we were sitting out on the grass, I snapped this photo of him just enjoying the sunshine. We used to do that...just sit and enjoy some quiet time together. Especially outdoors when he was feeling good, it was a real treat for him. He just loved to go for walks with me and hang together outside. When I had created this, he had just finished yet another stint of rehab, and was just simply enjoying the afternoon. He taught me how to do th...