The Power of Puppy Love With The Pupsters on a #FiveSibes Flashback Friday!

Our FiveSibes Pupsters! Ahhh, is there anything sweeter than puppy breath? Today, we are fondly flashing back to when our Pupsters, who are now 10, were just little two-month-old pups! The bond they formed as puppies and have kept over the years is just amazing. What a joy to see these siblings always have the love and security of each other, never to be separated! They warm my heart today just as they did when they first joined our family! What a joy! "Happiness is a warm puppy." ~Charles M. Schulz "Joy is raising three puppies together!" ~Dorothy Wills-Raftery I have heard folks say "you shouldn't raise littermates together" - and I say hogwash to that! It has been one of the greatest experiences for my puppies and me! As a matter of fact, I just recently penned an article called "Puppy Power: Yes, You Can Raise Littermates Together" in my monthly column over at 4Knines blog. You can check out my tips HERE! ( Just in case y...