For #GivingTuesday #FiveSibes Team Up With ASPCA ~and~ It's a Thankful Flashback Friday!

We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! It was turkey all around here at the FiveSibes homestead, and while my sous chef Wolfie kept an eye on my prepping the bird, he and the other Huskies knew their special Turkey Mish-Mash dinner was coming up! (See my recipe below)! Thanksgiving is naturally a time to reflect on all the things we are thankful for. We all have experienced the highs and lows of life...from joy to the sorrow of loss. Some of us are dealing with various issues each day of our lives, whether it is health issues, family issues, financial issues, etc., and I choose to believe those are the things that link us all together. To support each other and be compassionate and empathetic through the wonderful times, as well as the not-so wonderful times, is what makes being human, human. And that is what being part of this amazing Blogville community does...its one big supportive family. I look back over all the years and I am so thankful for so m...