Elf on a Siberian Husky Shelf

You probably know all about the Elf on a Shelf that has been taking over homes during the Christmas season by storm, and here, Santa Paws has been peeking in to see if our grandson and our FiveSibes pupsters Wolfie and Bandit have been naughty or nice this Christmas season. We assure Santa that excitement is growing for his big appearance on December 25th, and everyone has been on his Nice List! But just to be sure...he checked in for himself, then gave a wink before slipping back out to the North Pole! I think the Elf was having a bit of fun riding my grandson's Husky dog stuffie! *This post includes an Amazon affiliate links, which simply means if you click on the link and make a purchase, we will receive a small compensation at no extra cost to you! If you'd like one of these sweet fluffy FAO Schwarz plushie Huskies (yes, THAT FAO Schwarz...the wondrously magical huge toy store of New York City's Fifth Avenue fame (now at Rockefeller Plaza)...or if you have not ...