Huskies' Christmas in July: Visiting a Christmas Past on #FlashbackFriday

FiveSibes #Flashback ~ "Wolfie" above and "Harley" below ~ December 2015 With this being the last week of July, I thought it fitting to do a Christmas in July #FlashbackFriday. This is a special #FBF... different from my usual as it is an introspective and emotional one. I thank you for taking the time to go down Memory Lane and share this one with me, and you may need a tissue or two...but do get to the end, as I hope to leave you feeling lighter and maybe a (teary) smile. It's still hard for me to talk about Christmas 2015. The 2015 holiday season kicked off with devastating heartbreak for me, with unbeknownst to me, more to come. First up, my dear mother passed shortly before Thanksgiving, after a fall back that summer right after her 94th birthday. She was in rehab for a broken foot, but then suddenly began her decline, never to come home again as four months later, she passed on. #Flashback ~ my "Gibson" ~ 2015 Before Gibson went ...