Together We Can Give Hope to Others: Pawing it Forward to Help a Husky Rescuer in Need

Sasha & Luka of the Virginia Beach Sibe Tribe * So many times we are infuriated when we hear stories about furbabies being abandoned and dumped off at shelters because families can no longer care for them or decide they no longer fit into their lives. We say, "Why didn't they reach out?" "Why didn't they ask for help?" "Why would someone do that?" "I would have helped if I knew." Our furbabies are our children. They are our responsibility through thick and thin, sickness and health, richer or poorer. They give us complete love and devotion with expecting nothing in return. We owe them love and care... forever . The Virginia Beach Sibe Tribe is currently in need of some immediate help...and they ARE asking for it. The home they are currently in is an apartment Sasha and newly rescued Herik, an Epi-dog.* complex - although pet-friendly, it has just been broken into, for the third time. This time, some of the Sibe Tribe do...