March Mudness

March Madness here at the "Double H" does not mean basketball, it translates to March Mud ness, and pretty much means chaos. Just check out my boy, whose AKC name is Wolfgang "White Wolf" of Mystic Mountain, and yes, he is a registered Pure White Siberian Husky. Honest. Now, while I'm looking at his adorable, "I'm sorry, Mom" face, with those bright blue eyes jumping right out through that lovely shade of mud, I'm wondering if the Siberian Husky Club ever came up with a name for the shades of these spring markings...? We have our official Black & White, Gray & White (including Wolf Gray and Silver Gray), Red & White, Sable & White, Agouti & White, and of course, Pure White. Maybe it's time for some seasonal color names, too, like Yuck Brown, Muddy Mink, Soak-Me Sepia, etc. Either way, Mom loves her Mud Monster...and the groomer even more! Did someone say "snow???"