Flashback Friday #31: Puppy Gibson Steals Our Hearts!

This is the sweet, beautiful, fluffy face that stole my heart immediately! This Flashback Friday photo of Gibson was taken when he was just four months old on the day after he came home with us. After a nice bath and tons of kisses, he was a very sleepy wooly Husky pup! He spent the entire first night sleeping on my lap on the living room recliner. He stretched out (he was already a big boy at just four months old - just check out the size of those paws!) across my lap and fell fast asleep...who could have the heart to move him? Not me! He was home, safe and loved from the very first moment I set eyes on him! Troy may have Helen...but, I have Gibson! And Gibson...he has my heart... ❤ Forever. *Join us with a Friday stroll down Memory Lane!* Grab our badge and join in! Share your blog, Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram #FlashbackFriday photo and mention the FiveSibes ™ with a link back to here and leave us comment so we can come v...