For K

We here at the FiveSibes were so saddened to learn that K of Romping and Rolling in the Rockies has lost her battle with cancer, so today's blog is in her honor. If there ever was a soul we truly believed would overcome, it was beautiful K. To look at her gorgeous photos and see her so full of beauty and spirit and read about all of her adventures with R and Hu-mom KB, it just seemed so impossible to think she would one day not be here. We send our heartfelt condolences to K's family and our Huskies are sending soft woos toward Heaven where K is now happily climbing those beautiful mountains beyond the Rainbow Bridge. Run with wind, indeed, beautiful girl. Tonight, there will be lots of extra hugs and kisses with our furkids. As KB says, seize the day for we do not know what tomorrow holds. Be grateful for the gift of love we receive each and every moment from our family - both two- and four-legged members. KB and R, this is for you: "Walk on a rainbow t...