It's Memorial Day Weekend Blog Hop! Tips on Keeping Pets Safe While Having Fun & Honoring Our K9 Vets

Wolf Salutes Our Veterans Memorial Day Weekend. You can feel the excitement in the air as the summer is unofficially kicked some areas the balmy weather is just arriving and pre-season to-do lists include opening up the family swimming pools, cranking up the BBQ grilles and filling the air with delectable smells, hearing the hum of lawn mowers trimming the grass, and packing the family car for the first long weekend jaunt of the season. Please keep in mind that in all of the fun of having backyard parties, folks visiting, and road trips, please be sure to keep the furkids safe. Some tips to remember to have a fun and safe holiday: Keep pets in a separate room or kennel while guest are arriving and leaving to avoid any escapes and to help quell any anxieties. Keep collar and tags on in case they get spooked or sneak off. Keep a leash nearby for emergency roundups. Keep lit candles and lighters out of their reach. Keep them away from hot/flaming BBQ grilles. Do not use p...