Sibe Spa Day: A Photo Essay!

The day began innocently with a beautiful dawn... When suddenly...the Sibes realized it was SPA DAY! "Big Brother Gibson is outside...what are they doing to him???" He didn't seem to mind the loud contraption... Can you hear Harley panting? She knew whose turn was next... Wolf and Bandit tried to hide... Oh, no...he got Chloe! Time for some (badly needed) nail clipping... She's not happy...but look at those pretty manicured paws! All this came from Gibson...and it's not really even coat blowing season!!! "Woo...Spa Day is hard work." Gibson getting ready for a nap while it was Harley's turn in the tub! After she was blow-dried, she show us her floofy white tail (or did she tell us to kiss her beautiful clean Husky @$$???) "(Sigh). It's hard work being beautiful. They better be done." "Do you think it's safe to go back out??? Can we make a break for it??" "Woo! We escaped! Hey...Gib...(sn...