A Tribute for a Friend: Lycan - Last of the PawPack Huskies
"Lycan" of the PawPack Huskies March 18, 2011 ~ January 26, 2024 T here's no other way of saying it...losing a furfriend is heartbreaking. I have been so lucky in all the years of writing this blog, to come to know so many special friends near and far. This includes Karen and her PawPack Huskies. Karen always shared such beautiful, creative, and silly photos of her Huskies: Lycan, Mystie, Thunder, and Sassafrass. and I so looked forward to them. Not only did Karen share them on her own personal page, but also on her F acebook Group: Huskies & Malamutes Unleashe d. The gorgeous PawPack Huskies in their heyday. Over the years, I relished looking through the wonderful looking glass of life with my FiveSibes and her PawPack Huskies and all of the Sibe shenanigans, fun, silliness, and model poses! As with my own, each time one of the PawPack Huskies earned their furangel wings, I felt it in my heart. That's how close us in the Siberian Husky world are. We lose o