November Epilepsy Awareness Month: Meet Epi-Stars Boo & Nala

Epi-Stars "Boo" and "Nala" enjoying being snow dogs! by Dorothy Wills-Raftery My #FiveSibes #LiveGibStrong November Epilepsy Awareness Month (NEAM) “Epi-Star” features I began last year, and it’s based on the concept of my book EPIc Dog Tales: Heartfelt Stories About Amazing Dogs Living & Loving Life With Canine Epilepsy), where I highlight some amazing dogs who have/had Canine Epilepsy (also known as Epi-dogs), but never let that stop them from living life. I am pleased to say I am continuing with these amazing true stories in our second year of highlighting “Epi-Stars!” You can find all of our amazing Epi-Star stories here on my FiveSibes blog by going to the menu, or click *NEW* Special Series: Epi-Star Stories. Today, I'd like to introduce you to Holly and Mike Stoddard’s two beautiful Siberian Huskies girls named Shaboo “Boo,” and “Nala,” both who never let having Canine Epilepsy stop them from enjoying life! Both Boo and Nal...