Sponsor A Husky This Christmas and Bring Some Holiday Cheer to a Homeless Husky!

"Shhhhh, this is a surprise Christmas box for our sponsor-a-Husky brother, Bruce!" We are very excited to have a sixth Sibe join us this holiday season...we are sponsoring a rescue Siberian Husky this year and hope to bring some howliday cheer to him! Meet Bruce! Isn't he just beautiful?! Bruce is currently residing at the Siberian Husky Emergency Lifeline (S.H.E.L.L.) waiting for his loving, forever family. While he waits, S.H.E.L.L. wanted to be sure he, and other Huskies at his rescue, have a very happy holiday season...and they can! You can sponsor a Husky, just like we did, and make his or her or their Christmas season bright and merry, until they can be part of a forever family by sponsoring them and then going shopping and picking out some toys, treats, and items that will brighten their holiday! When you volunteer to sponsor a Husky, S.H.E.L.L. will send you your sponsor Husky's photo and some info about what he/she likes to help make your ...