When the Sun Shines on a Flashback Friday

There's a whole lotta hopping going on! First up, we are flashing back a few years to one of my favorite memories of my now furangel Gibson, who was enjoying his rehab walking after a period of time where he was dealing with a weak hind end and a torn CCL due to side effects of his epilepsy medicine. During a rest, he raised his head toward the sunny sky, closed his eyes, and looked so blissful, I just had to snap his photo and pair it with the amazingly true quote. I look at this photo often and smile. Always a champion, Gibson truly enjoyed every minute of life. He was, and will always be, an inspiration to me, and remind me that even during tough times, be sure to take a few minutes to embrace and appreciate this wonderful life we have. Happy Flashback Friday! Do you have a photo from your pet's past that you'd like to share? Come stroll down Memory Lane with us here at FiveSibes and join in our Flashback Friday blog hop (we are open all wee...