
Showing posts from August, 2013

Summertime Surprises!

Today may be the last day of August, and while summer is almost over, you sure can't tell by the hot, muggy weather we've been having here! The Sibe kids' pool has once again been filled...and they have some new, cool Kong toys to play with, thanks to our friends Holly and the Huskies ! These toys have been such a hit, both in and out of the pool! Many "thank wooos" to Holly, Nala, Ariel, Boo, Timber, and Chip for such a wonderful summertime surprise!!! Holly is new to blogging, so if you could stop by and give her a nice Bloggerville "welcome" and check out her beautiful Siberian Huskies, that would be great! Be sure to tell her FiveSibes sent you over! We hope everyone is enjoying the nice long Labor Day weekend!

Happy National Dog Day!

  We think it's Dog Day here everyday! But, the Sibes are happy to have it be a canine "holiday"! Did you do anything special to celebrate? The FiveSibes slept most of the day as it has been pouring rain here...but they did get some yummy treats, too! What better way to spend a holiday than eating and relaxing?  Sounds perfect to me!

Sweet Sunday

Today, Bandit accompanied me on a visit to see my 92-year-young mother. An animal parent and lover her whole life, she really enjoys visits with one of my FiveSibes! I've been working with Bandit (who is almost completely deaf) on communicating with hand signals and positive reinforcement to help prepare her for eventual classes. I hope to work with her so one day she can become a therapy dog. With her energy level, a job is something that would be really good for her. And she is such a contrast - super hyper, super patient, and super loving! Watching her with my Mom, who is crippled from severe arthritis, is so amazing. She is calm and so gentle, offering Mom periodic kisses! Such a wonderful visit indeed! It's only been a few years that Mom can no longer have one living with her, and she truly misses it. I love how her face lightens up when I come for a visit with usually either Bandit or Wolf. Bandit even spent a little time people watching through Hu-Nanny's

Flashback Friday #34: Darling Chloe

"A dog wags its tail with its heart."  ~Martin Buxbaum *Join us with a Friday stroll down  Memory Lane!*   Grab our badge and join in!  Share your blog, Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram #FlashbackFriday photo and mention the FiveSibes ™  with a link back to here and leave us comment so we can come visit your Flashback, too!  To catch up on past Flashback Fridays, visit us here:   Flashback Friday #33: Circle of Love: Celebrating Life Flashback Friday #32: Those Were the Days, My Friend ~ When Gibson Was Smaller Than Harley! Flashback Friday #31: Puppy Gibson Steals Our Hearts! Flashback Friday #30: Summer Lovin' Flashback Friday #29: Puppy Originals Flashback Friday #28: Hidden Treasures of Our Lives Reside on Memory Lane   Flashback Friday #27: Puppy Power x 3! Flashback Friday #26: A Siberian Snow Pup Flashback Friday #25: Siberian Sibling Pillow   Flashback Friday #24 Spring

Together We Can Give Hope to Others: Pawing it Forward to Help a Husky Rescuer in Need

Sasha & Luka of the Virginia Beach Sibe Tribe * So many times we are infuriated when we hear stories about furbabies being abandoned and dumped off at shelters because families can no longer care for them or decide they no longer fit into their lives. We say, "Why didn't they reach out?" "Why didn't they ask for help?" "Why would someone do that?" "I would have helped if I knew." Our furbabies are our children. They are our responsibility through thick and thin, sickness and health, richer or poorer. They give us complete love and devotion with expecting nothing in return. We owe them love and care... forever . The Virginia Beach Sibe Tribe is currently in need of some immediate help...and they ARE asking for it.  The home they are currently in is an apartment Sasha and newly rescued Herik, an Epi-dog.* complex - although pet-friendly, it has just been broken into, for the third time. This time, some of the Sibe Tribe do

Flashback Friday #33: Circle of Love: Celebrating Life

  The Pupsters' Circle of Love   Today is Flashback Friday here at the FiveSibes homestead and a good time to reflect upon puppies, new life, and happiness, to celebrate life. This is our darling Pupsters - littermates Chloe, Bandit, and Wolf - at just two months! They have been best friends, The Three Muskateers , since the start, and they still love to strike this pose and kiss each other! It's been a wonderful treat to watch these babies grow up together, interact, and play...they have a wonderful relationship, and it just warms my heart to know they have had each other since birth! Our silly, loving, loveable Pupsters!   * * * * * * * * In celebration of life, today's blog is dedicated to our fellow Epi-furpal, The Mighty Quinn of the White Dog Army , who just lost his fight with Canine Epilepsy, but never lost his might. Run free, beautiful boy. You will be missed by those who loved you and you will always be remembered. We join your family in celebra

A Pawcircle of Prayer for Furpal "The Mighty Quinn"

Our beautiful fellow Epi-furpal, The Mighty Quinn of the White Dog Army , is really in need of our support and prayers after a devastating bout of seizures he was recently hospitalized for. While he is back home, Quinn, a warrior in this war against Canine Epilepsy, is having a rough time rebounding. Our thoughts are with Quinn, his hu-parents, and the White Dog Army. Please join us here at the FiveSibes in a pawcircle of prayer, hope, and healing to send Quinn's way. If you can, please stop over to leave your comments and support for Quinn and family on the White Dog Army's blog . And join us in raising our paws, hands, and voices to sing him his anthem to bring him our love and strength, and "you'll not see nothing like The Mighty Quinn." Stay strong, our friend.

Happy Anniversary! Plus, a Treat GIVEAWAY on Today's "The Sibe Vibe!"

    It's our one-year Anniversary since we debuted "The Sibe Vibe" on Dog Works Radio! In August 2012, our very first guests were from the Siberian Husky Rescue of Florida, and the rest, as they say, is Husky history! Tune in live to today's episode of our Dog Works Radio "The Sibe Vibe" online at 1 PM EST and see how you can WIN a three-bag selection of House Wolf K-9 Dog Biscuits , created by the fabulous bakers at Edelweiss Bakery in Vermont. In their treats you will find: No salt. No preservatives, No chemical. Ever!  We will be posting a permalink to the show if you miss it, and also if you'd like to learn more about House Wolf and their wholesome treats, check out our post on their newest treat, "Gibbie Snacks," named after our Gibson and formulated with the canine epileptic in mind! And if you couldn't enter to win the treats live from the radio show, don't forget we still have our "Summer Fun Canin

Flashback Friday #32: Those Were the Days, My Friend ~ When Gibson Was Smaller Than Harley!

While flipping through puppy pictures for today's Flashback Friday, it was fun to come across some I have not seen in a long time (since they were film photos and not digital) this photo! I had to laugh, first at Harley's expression of knowing she was the boss over the new puppy, Gibson! Even though she loved every second of bossing him around, playing Husky tag, and rolling and romping in the grass and pool with him. The second thing I giggled at was how little he was! Gibson was a big puppy, here he was about six months old...and he didn't stay small for long! It was pretty soon after my wooly boy caught up to Harley in size, and then passed almost double the size! And then...I noticed the crystal clear water (not!) Harley and Gibson had just played in the yard and dug holes and ran in and out of the pool, creating a muddy masterpiece! Even all our grass had not quite grown in yet after we installed a new "Husky-proof" fence, but just gave the

Flashback Friday #31: Puppy Gibson Steals Our Hearts!

This is the sweet, beautiful, fluffy face that stole my heart immediately! This Flashback Friday photo of Gibson was taken when he was just four months old on the day after he came home with us. After a nice bath and tons of kisses, he was a very sleepy wooly Husky pup! He spent the entire first night sleeping on my lap on the living room recliner. He stretched out (he was already a big boy at just four months old - just check out the size of those paws!) across my lap and fell fast asleep...who could have the heart to move him? Not me! He was home, safe and loved from the very first moment I set eyes on him! Troy may have Helen...but, I have Gibson!  And Gibson...he has my heart...   ❤   Forever. *Join us with a Friday stroll down  Memory Lane!* Grab our badge and join in!  Share your blog, Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram #FlashbackFriday photo and mention the FiveSibes ™  with a link back to here and leave us comment so we can come visit your Flashback, too!  To