Flashback Friday: Our Original Sled Dog

One of my all-time favorite photos from when my daughter was young was this one taken back 22 years ago with our adopted German Shepherd/Akita "Chelsey." Chelsey and Jenn were best buds. She was an amazing dog, who was so easy to train, and was such a good girl. She would listen to my commands, and perform them perfectly every time. If i asked her to "stay," no one, but me, could get her to move! I taught her to "watch" my daughter, which she always did. In this photo, my sister-in-law was creating a family photo album and was doing one of the winter months, and we decided a "reindog" photo would be cute with our girls. So, we staged the photo to look like I "Chelsey was hooked up to a sled with our girls on it in the snow! To this day, this photo brings a chuckle because my daughter and I dubbed it the "grumpy sled dog" photo because if you look closely at Chelsey, she looks like she is snarling and very unhappy. While she was...